La Suave Melodia
Rachael Beesley, Franc Polman - violin
Cassandra Luckhardt - viola da gamba
Regina Albanez - theorbo & baroque guitar
Pieter Dirksen - harpsichord & organ
Etcetera KTC 1356 (May 2007)
Click here for a sample of the recording
This is the first recording of a set of twelve trio sonatas by the Dutch gamba virtuoso and composer Johannes Schenck (1660-c.1720). This long-time lost publication was rediscovered a few years ago by Pieter Dirksen in the collection of the Berlin Singakademie which had then just been returned from Kiev. These beautiful and wonderfully varied sonatas, which are heavily influenced by Arcangelo Corelli's Opus I trio sonatas, form the high point of Schenck's oeuvre and as such a true monument of Dutch music.
Dutch-born composer Johannes Schenck is another in a long line of Baroque composers whose works are only now being discovered and given their first modern performances. Thanks to the intrepid investigative work of harpsichordist Pieter Dirksen -- a member of the ensemble La Suave Melodia heard here -- a set of 12 trio sonatas of Schenck's Opus 3 that were thought to be lost have been unearthed. The works, which are each in a different key, show a mature composer's total command of form, character of different keys, and abilities of each instrument for which he is composing. Apart from the tremendous service of simply rediscovering these works, La Suave Melodia goes one step further and provides listeners with an immaculate, deeply satisfying performance of the 12 trio sonatas. The recorded sound is wonderfully clean and simple and the balance between the instruments allows the violin to easily carry the melody throughout while still letting listeners enjoy the intricate harmonies and rhythmically varied accompanimental patterns in the rest of the ensemble. Intonation, articulation, and ornamentation match flawlessly from the first note of the CD to the last. Fans of early music have found a treasure not only in the works of Johannes Schenck, but in the sensitive, informed performances of La Suave Melodia.
(Mike D. Brownell, AMG)
La Suave Melodia bringt eine wirklich hervorragende Interpretation, die die
Qualitäten dieser Sonaten voll ans Tageslicht bringt. ... eine der besten Neuerscheinungen des Jahres 2007.
(Toccata - Alte Musik Aktuell)
These are colourful, energetic and technically immaculate performances of works which are very important additions to the repertoire. I am sure that this very attractive disc will give you as much pleasure as it has given me.
(MusicWeb International)
La Suave Melodia réalise ici un travail séduisant et élégant.
(Le Monde de la Musique - estimation: **** )
... una magnífica grabación ... La interpretación que recibe por parte de La Suave Melodia, grupo holandés relativamente joven, pero experimentado, es, sencillamente, modélica en su academicismo: una interpretación sensible, contenida y rica en matices en la que los excelentes violines solistas se apoyan en un bajo continuo ligero y sin estridencias, pero muy efectivo. Un disco, pues, que por programa e interpretación es altamente recomendable.
Zijn twaalf triosonates op.3, onlangs herontdekt, krijgen prima vertolkingen van het Ensemble La Suave Melodia, waarbij goed naar voren komt hoe rijk geschakeerd de variatie aan vormmodellen was die Schenck hanteerde.
(de Volkskrant - waardering: **** )
Schencks muziek, sterk beïnvloed door Corelli en andere Italianen, is in harmonisch opzicht van een weelderige soort. Van bovenmodale kwaliteit is ook de expressieve uitvoering door Dirksen en consorten.
(de Telegraaf)
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